Luckily, she was saved by Henry riding a stolen horse, who distracted the Cumans, giving Theresa a chance to escape - or she manages to fight them off as Henry rides past. She tries to hide in a haystack, but Zbyshek pushed her towards a group of Cumans, who slaughtered everyone while she watched, then attempted to rape her. Initially, Theresa fled with Matthew and Fritz, but they are separated.

During the attack, hundreds of citizens were butchered, including Theresa's family, and the whole village was burned to the ground. Only a few minutes later, the village was attacked by a Cuman army led by Sir Markvart von Auliz and King Sigismund of Luxembourg himself. Henry, despite being romantically involved with Bianca, stared after Theresa as she left, and Martin dryly commented she was a "fine lass".

She chatted with Martin's son Henry, and asked if she would see him at the dance that evening. On the morning of 23 March 1403, she was sent by her father, the Miller of Skalitz, to collect some nails from Martin's forge. Helping her father she was given a lovely dress for her troubles only to be learn she was to court a noted individual in Skalitz during the Spring festival. The day before the attack of Skalitz, Theresa‘s adventures with Johanka and Bianca lead to a series of events where her father was attempting to smuggle silver for Istvan Toth who planned to use the silver to forge counterfeit coins to pay for bandits and to frame Radzig Kobyla for using silver to rebel against the crown.